Precise and extensive characterization of your product is a critical step towards successful mass-production. It includes the selection of raw materials, setting manufacturer standards and specific "must-have" requirements for the product. It is our job to make sure all these are properly addressed. As part of our quality control services, Iget provides online scheduling and delivery reports, for customers to view anytime, anywhere.

With our inspections, companies are able to identify issues early on and eliminate their causes. Utilized correctly, inspections save money and ensure that the end product meets customers' requirements and expectations.

We provide our customers with various inspection services:

PPI - Pre Production Inspection- inspection of first-article samples prior to volume production. This allows us to verify that product specifications are being met and avoid unnecessary re-engineering work later on.

DPI - During Production Inspection- On-site inspections for evaluating samples during the manufacturing process itself. This confirms the quality of your product and allows any necessary changes to be addressed early on, reducing rework, time and costs.

PSI – Pre Shipment Inspection- before shipment, our engineers verify that the finished goods meet the project's initial goals & specifications. This helps us ensure that the project has been executed accurately, and deliver our customers a Quality assured product.